วันเสาร์ที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 12 (27/SEP/2016)

เขียนโดย Unknown ที่ 06:25 0 ความคิดเห็น

Learning Log 12 (27/SEP/2016)

         This week  I learned how to teach vocabulary in CALL. First I should add image that want to teach and make sound when learner click the picture or sentence. Then, I learn how to create games. I must add blank slide and click Interaction and then select  learning interaction there are many game such as word search, memory game and millionaire Finally, I learned the creating matching exercise. It very fun when I create game for my student. 

Learning Log 11 (20/SEP/2016)

เขียนโดย Unknown ที่ 06:04 0 ความคิดเห็น
Learning Log 11 (20/SEP/2016)

               I've learnt about how to create the test in Adobe Captivate 8. There are many kinds of test such as short answer, multiple choice, true or false, fill in the blank, and matching. First, I created short answer test, Second, I learn to created multiple choice test, Then, I learn to create true or false test, Next, I learn to created fill in the blank test, Finally, I learn to created  matching test. This lesson makes me know the new thing that I can apply to create new knowledge for many student in the future.

Learning Log 10 (3/SEP/2016)

เขียนโดย Unknown ที่ 05:30 0 ความคิดเห็น
Learning Log 10

This week, I learned about how to create my CALL by using  Adobe Captivate 8. First , I should create blank page that make student to sign up their name, menu, and pre-test. Then I learnt how to make how to link flame with another flame by jump to slide that I wanted the frame to connect. Furthermore , I learned how to add picture, audio and video in this page. Finally, I think that this program can create instruction media for student and help learner to learning everywhere that them want.

Learning Log 9 (06/SEP/2016)

เขียนโดย Unknown ที่ 05:30 0 ความคิดเห็น

Learning Log 9 (06/SEP/2016)  I've learnt about the research Computer Assisted Language Learning and English Language Teaching in Thailand. This research made me know about  the advantages and disadvantages of applying CALL to the success of language learning. This is new knowledge that I never lean before. It make me excised to learn.The advantages of CALL such as CALL to support in language learning provides students with the authenticity of the input.Student can have an opportunity to interact in one or more of the four core skill,namely listening,speaking,reading,and writing because they have to use or produce text and
Disadvantage in Thailand is t

Moreover, I learnt about how to use Adobe Captivate 8. I use this program to make my  CALL that I think this program  is very useful for student to learning by themself.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 8 (30/AUG/2026)

เขียนโดย Unknown ที่ 23:37 0 ความคิดเห็น
Learning Log 8 (30/AUG/2026)This day I have learnt about CALL . Definitions of CALL:
- Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) was the expression agreed upon at the 1983 TESOL convention in a meeting of all interested participants. This term is widely used to refer to the area of technology and second language teaching and learning despite the fact that revisions for the term are suggested regularly
                    - CALL is represented by the use of computer technologies that promote educational learning.
Terms associated with CALL
Computer-Aided Language Learning (CALL)
•Computer-Assisted Language Instruction (CALI)
•Computer-Enhanced Language Learning (CELL)
•CALL and CALI refer to computer applications in language learning and teaching
•CELL implies using CALL in a self-access
  environment (Hoven, 1999).
This call can used in  English language  such as Game computer ,Word Processors ,creating documents, handouts, exercises ,Spelling checkers ,Grammar checkers ,Concordancers ,Collaborative writing  That have many advantage for me to bring CALL in teaching.         

Learning Log 7 (16/08/2016)

เขียนโดย Unknown ที่ 23:15 0 ความคิดเห็น

Learning Log 7 (16/AUG/2016)

 This week I learn many Thai false friends word. It is  very important when  I learn the true meaning of each word. After that I do exercise about  Thai false friends that Thai people used in many way. Then I present Applying Innovative Spirit to Multimedia Foreign Language Teaching that make me know Positive Effects of Multimedia on Foreign Language Teaching such as The saved time can be used for review. The interactive learning environment it provides enables the learner.In Problems and Solutions Related to Multimedia Teaching is assisting the traditional teaching pattern where the teacher takes the dominance in conveying knowledge with modern information technology. The courseware used by teachers, simple in design and lacking in innovation and the methods can be resorted to solve the above problems such as combine course type with multimedia. Currently, large English classes mainly involve listening, speaking, intensive reading and extensive reading. This article  make me know new knowledge and can should the Multimedia for teaching in the future.

วันศุกร์ที่ 12 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 6 (09 Aug 2016)

เขียนโดย Unknown ที่ 23:47 0 ความคิดเห็น
Learning Log 6 (09 Aug 2016)

     This week I learnt about how to collect the data into my corpus and the method to English language for teaching methodology such as Terminologies and collocation ,local grammar , style and content knowledge.  I learnt about how diffidence between Thai corpus and English corpus that make me know the all of the words the native speaker used, and tell me where to find all of the examples of that word. Concordances can help me look for words in different contexts, and suggest other words that may be related to the word I have learned.

 Finally , I learn about false friends word in corpus and translation such as
 air (n) แอร air-conditioner / air hostess
Check, please หรือ Bill, please เช็คบิลล to ask for the bill / check in a restaurant
cheer (v) เชียร support
contact (n) คอนแทค contact lens
diet (n) ไดเอ็ท to be on a diet   Etc.


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